
How To Get Hair Like Michael Jackson

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Michael Jackson is i of the greatest popular musicians of all fourth dimension. He started his career when he was just 5 years sometime in 1963 with his brothers the Jackson 5 (with the inclusion of their other 6th blood brother Steven Randall Jackson)(not from American idol) and went on to make the best selling album of all time, "Thriller."[1] Impersonating someone like Michael tin be difficult considering of how amazing he was at so many things. However, with practice and dedication you can become a Michael Jackson impersonator and convince people that you're the real deal.

  1. 1

    Perm your pilus to achieve a Jheri coil. To accomplish hair that looks similar Michael Jackson, information technology's necessary that you use pilus softener to loosen your pilus, then employ a chemic perming solution to create permanent curls. This hairstyle demands daily application of heavy moisturizers and activators, to maintain style and smooth.[ii]

    • Michael Jackson had nappy hair until he and his brothers started relaxing his pilus into a jheri roll which he grew long (fifty-fifty though sometimes he wore straight wigs)
    • When sleeping, wear a shower cap or silk scarf.
    • If yous don't desire to permanently alter your pilus, you can wear a wig.
    • Michael Jackson donned his famous hairstyle in 1982 on the comprehend of his multi platinum selling album "Thriller."[3]
  2. ii

    Dye your hair black or dark brown. For those that accept light hair, dyes that comprise demi or semi permanent colors are the best types to get. High lift and permanent colors will cause breakage and dryness with permed hair.

    • You tin buy hair dye at department stores, malls, or hair salons.
    • If you already have nighttime hair, you lot can skip this stride.
    • You can go to a hair salon to go your hair dyed and permed by professionals if y'all don't feel comfy doing it at home.


  3. three

    Buy and habiliment a fedora hat. Await online or at a hat shop or bazaar to find a fedora hat that looks like the one Michael Jackson wore. Look for a white fedora chapeau with a black trim-ribbon or an all blackness felt hat with a black trim-ribbon, as this where the variations that Jackson oft wore.

    • Michael Jackson's black fedora hat is displayed at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.[4]
  4. 4

    Buy clothing that incorporates leather or pleather and zippers. Michael Jackson had a diversity of different outfits, and many of them take go iconic. Still, the abiding thread throughout his vesture was the apply of pleather or leather, large buckles and zippers. Endeavour to discover habiliment that incorporates all of this to really look like Jackson.

    • Observe a ruby pleather jacket to look similar Jackson in his music video for "Thriller."[5]
    • Jackson upgraded to a black leather jacket in his music video for "Bad."[6]
  5. 5

    Wear sequined clothing. Michael Jackson was famous for wearing sequined clothing.[seven] Sequin is when you utilize shiny vinyl plastic to clothing to create the appearance of gemstones.

    • You can buy sequined clothes or you lot can apply them to existing dress.
    • Jackson first wore a sequined belong in 1983 when he performed the moonwalk for the first fourth dimension.[8]
  6. six

    Wear a single white glove. Another fashion statement that Michael Jackson made was wearing a single white glove. You'll probably have to find a pair of white gloves, and then discard one of them.

    • Adding sequins to the glove will also brand you more like Michael.
    • Y'all tin buy gloves at about department stores or malls.
  7. seven

    Habiliment white socks with black leather shoes. Michael Jackson often wore his iconic black dancing loafers and white socks equally a fashion statement. To expect like Michael, you lot need to replicate this look. Clothing pants that reveal your socks, and brand certain to pull them up.

    • White socks and black shoes made Michael Jackson'southward dance moves more noticeable and drew attention to his feet.[9]
    • Michael Jackson used gravity defying shoes to pull off his "lean" move. These shoes diameter a slotted heel that would slide onto bolts that were on phase.
  8. 8

    Vesture Ray-ban aviator or wayfarer sunglasses. Michael Jackson loved and embraced the Ray-ban make of sunglasses over his years as a pop star.[10] Like many of his wardrobe choices, these sunglasses would become an iconic aspect of his await.

    • You lot can find these way of sunglasses on Ray-ban's official website.[11]
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  1. 1

    Learn Michael Jackson dance moves like the moonwalk and kick and spin. Maybe one of the nigh iconic aspects of Michael Jackson's career was the dance moves that he performed onstage and in his music videos.[12] Sentry erstwhile music videos of Jackson and practice doing them in your room to perfect the moves.

    • Read articles like Moonwalk or Spin-Like-Michael-Jackson.
    • If you're struggling to get the moves downward, you tin watch tutorials on Youtube.
    • Joining a trip the light fantastic class will help you with basic aspects of trip the light fantastic toe, similar rhythm and movement.
    • There are full length instructional videos that you can buy online.
  2. 2

    Take vocal lessons so you tin can sing similar Michael Jackson. Other than his dancing, Michael Jackson is all-time known for his voice. Known as ane of the greatest singers of all time, he won 197 music awards over his lifetime.[13] While you probably won't exist able to replicate his famous voice, yous need to brand certain that you lot can at to the lowest degree sing some of his more than popular songs. Start practicing with a vocal coach, and let them know y'all want to hit the high notes like Michael Jackson.

    • If yous absolutely can't sing, lip-syncing may be an alternative if yous nonetheless desire to perform.
    • Read Sing-Similar-Michael-Jackson to get boosted tips on singing like MJ.
    • Practice vocal warm upwards exercises at abode to ameliorate your singing voice.
  3. 3

    Watch Michael Jackson interviews and copy his beliefs. Everyone has different mannerisms and tendencies, and Michael Jackson was a unique man with specific mannerisms. Watch his interviews to get a feeling for his demeanor and facial expressions.

    • Practice in the mirror and then yous tin replicate Michael Jackson.
    • Deed like Michael Jackson in front of friends to get their opinions on your accurateness.
  4. iv

    Speak in a very low and gentle voice. While Michael Jackson had an impressive vocal range, he would often speak in a very low and gentle voice for reporters or the media. When impersonating Jackson, make certain to use a similar tone.

    • To hear what you lot sound like, try impersonating Michael Jackson in a sound recorder then play back the recording to see what you actually audio like.
    • Michael Jackson was often very shy and this reflected in his vocal intonation.[14]
  5. 5

    Maintain a loving and open mental attitude towards people. Many people who knew Michael Jackson personally, have said that he was a loving and gentle person.[15] As an impersonator, you need to maintain the same gentle demeanor when talking with people.

    • Over his career equally a musician, Michael Jackson often made charitable donations to organizations that helped underprivileged children.[xvi]
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  1. one

    Attend Michael Jackson conventions. A slap-up style to go your proper name out there is to nourish Michael Jackson conventions. People may be impressed by y'all, and hire you for time to come gigs. Make sure to network when you are at them past talking to equally many people as you lot can.

    • Have photo opportunities with fans and post them to social media.
    • Take any available opportunities to perform at these conventions.
    • The Sunburst convention in Florida brings together a multitude of celebrity impersonators.[17]
    • In June, 2015 Jackson'southward mother held a tribute convention with a dancing contest with a prize of $v,000.[xviii]
  2. 2

    Participate in celebrity await-alike competitions. One way y'all can make money equally a Michael Jackson impersonator is to participate in celebrity look-alike competitions.

    • People can brand a living by impersonating celebrities if they participate in competitions regularly.[xix]
  3. 3

    Book performance gigs at alive shows. Celebrity impersonators can brand anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars for a single gig at a live evidence. You can participate at corporate events, grand openings, altogether parties, and concerts.[20]

    • If y'all're practiced at dancing and singing it will be easier to land gigs.
    • Look online for potential gigs nigh you lot.
  4. iv

    Network with fans through social media. A great way to build a platform for a fan base is to be active on popular social media networks like tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Post photos of yourself in your Michael Jackson attire to gain the attention of people online. You lot may even be able to get booked for a gig through social media.

    • Make sure to reply to positive comments and stay away from arguing with people online.
    • Brand sure to post appropriate content and stay in character when posting videos or images.
  5. 5

    Create a YouTube channel and upload your impersonation videos. Ane manner to get your impersonation talents out to the globe is to create content on Youtube that features your Michael Jackson skills. Create videos that showcase your dancing or singing skills, and make certain to look like Michael when yous do it.

    • You can monetize your videos to earn coin for views.
    • Make sure to update your channel with new content so you fan base of operations has something to come up back for.
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  • Question

    I can dance well, only I'chiliad a bit overweight. Tin I all the same impersonate Michael Jackson?

    Community Answer

    Yeah. Your weight doesn't matter when impersonating Michael Jackson and dancing the way he did. As long as your talented and loftier energy, people will bask your human action, regardless of your weight.

  • Question

    Tin can I impersonate Michael Jackson if I am a kid?

    Community Answer

    Michael started performing when he was 4, proving age doesn't affair. Do hard and you can do annihilation.

  • Question

    I'grand black. Tin can I still impersonate Michael Jackson?

    Community Answer

    Michael Jackson is black. He suffered from a condition known every bit Vitiligo which lightens pigments in your skin over time. You tin exercise an accurate impersonation of Michael Jackson regardless of the color of your skin.

  • Question

    What should I practise if I accept blue eyes?

    Community Answer

    You can but become some colored contacts to brand your eyes the aforementioned colour (chocolate-brown) as his.

  • Question

    Can I use makeup to make my face expect similar Michael Jackson's?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you lot can absolutely use makeup to make your face up wait more similar Michael Jackson.

  • Question

    Can I become a Michael Jackson impersonator if I am a girl?

    Community Answer

    Aye. Anybody who wants to could piece of work at existence a Michael Jackson impersonator.

  • Question

    Tin can I practise it if I'thousand a girl?

    Community Answer

    Totally! This would lend a unique chemical element to the impersonation.

  • Question

    I can dance and sing, but I am fat, a girl, and a child. Can I still be a Michael Jackson impersonator?

    Community Answer

    Yes! Anyone who is willing to piece of work hard to dance and sing as well as Michael can be an impersonator.

  • Question

    Tin can I impersonate Michael Jackson if I have short pilus?

    Community Answer

    Aye you can. You lot can too buy a curly black wig if you want to cover your hair.

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